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FEPIC relies upon a strong collaborative process among all the stakeholders in order to gather the necessary resources and information to build the training tool. These include: local face to face interviews with female leaders, an online survey addressed to leaders and managers; reports from the project's workshops (Bologna, April 2009) produced by female students in Engineer and ICT, online researches. This is the main route to highlight the behaviour and perspectives on creativity and leadership of successful female leaders and of high potential students.

Any interaction is welcome and visitors of the project website are invited to contact the coordinator of FEPIC for reporting relevant stories at the intersection of creativity, leadership and gender.

During the process of building the e-training tool, feedback will be collated by students and companies on a regular basis.

Dissemination and exploitation actions will be delivered to companies, universities professors and students.

The dissemination within the companies will be carried out mainly by the national project leaders who will also disseminate the results amongst university professors. The dissemination within the universities will be realised also by the Students Focus Group members

The involvement of females as principal role models and main stakeholders to develop the project allows for a consideration of aspects which are usually hidden. FEPIC uses a gender approach in all phases of the project. This approach is useful to identify gender gaps in opportunities and to develop and adopt measures to promote equal participation of females and males to the job market.